March 30, 2015 Papooh

Importance of Unique and High Quality Content

Unique and High Quality Content

C ontent is the king, how many times do we hear this phrase? It is a phrase that keeps tossing up every now and then especially when you are browsing something related to Internet Marketing, blogging, or something similar. However, it seems that due to hearing it so very frequently and over such a long period of time, we have now started giving it a deaf ear. During the past few years, it seems like the focus is shifting quite steadily to SEO from Unique and High Quality Content. This is probably the reason why so many websites keeps getting penalized or hit by the search engines every now and then, and why some of them never manage to rank despite spending tons of money on SEO.

First and foremost, what everyone needs to remember is that content will always be the king. One can do all the SEO in the world but it wouldn’t help a thing if they don’t have unique, high quality content on their blog or website. In fact, sometimes, it is seen that well written unique content is able to rank itself without doing any SEO work. Now obviously we aren’t talking about the very high competitive keywords here but it surely does suffice for some low competitive ones.


Give what the Search Engine wants

Unique Content

Okay, think what Google wants? You would probably answer ‘content that offers value’ or a ‘great user experience’ and so on. However, before all such things, it wants money. Quite obvious, isn’t it? Google, like any corporation in the world, wants to keep increasing its revenues, profits, and user base. That is its primary aim. However, in order to achieve that, it has to take care of a lot of things. After all, there are tons of search engines out there in the market, with Yahoo and Bing being the closest competitors of Google. Now though Google actually occupies a dominant share in the search engine market, it manages to do that for a reason. That reason is that it offers superior value to its users. It gives them what they want. This is the reason Google is so very strict when it comes to ranking websites, and it just doesn’t let any random website sit on page 1 for a long time if it doesn’t provide a lot of value, regardless of how intense the SEO work done on it.


Unique and High Quality Content is the New King will rank high in the SERP Share on X


As users search keywords for finding the most relevant, unique, interesting, engaging and informative content on their queries, Google obviously wants the ranking websites to provide the same. Hence, if you think you can rank for a long time on page 1 of Google for a particular keyword without having great quality and unique content on your website, think again. Yes, a lot of SEO might help you go a mile, but it surely wouldn’t achieve lasting results. For Google wants the websites to offer value to its users, as it’s the only way it makes money.



Give the visitors what they want

Quality Content

Assume that you have ranked a website with poor quality content. Now, you are feeling all happy about it, as maybe you managed to save a few bucks on buying quality content or a good amount of time which you would have otherwise spent writing it yourself. However, maybe soon you will find out that you didn’t actually managed to save money or time, but instead wasted both of it you spent on doing SEO on your website. The reason behind this is the fact that the visitors that will lend on your website will be looking for value, information, uniqueness and something helpful. However, due to your content being of a poor quality, they will surely not be impressed and hit the close button in no time. This will obviously lead to a terribly low conversion rate and regardless of how competitive the keyword you managed to rank for is, you would hardly end up making anything significant.

Hence, having superior quality content on your website is not just to keep Google happy, but your visitors as well. Poor quality content won’t manage to sell anything or encourage the visitors click any ads. So regardless of the way you are monetizing your website, including amazon affiliate, adsense, and so on, it’s probably not going to work. On the other hand, when you have well written, unique and high quality content on your website, the visitors will become curious about whatever you are offering them, and will tend to convert tremendously more.


Buying Unique and High Quality Content

Well, so you just went through a good amount of information about how important content is. However, you don’t have the time or skills to write it yourself and hence are looking for a quality content provider. The confusion that surrounds one while looking for unique and high quality content is well understandable, as a lot of content sellers seem to have started selling huge chunks of text they call content at a surprisingly high price. Such poorly written content not only contains tons of grammatical and other errors, but also are nowhere near to being engaging or encouraging enough for the readers, hence failing to drive them to action.

But unfortunately, almost everyone you head over to seems to be selling a similar quality content. However, if you don’t mind paying a little more than what you would for such poor quality content, and instead try out the high quality, well researched, grammatically perfect, and 100 percent unique and high quality content we are selling, then you might as well stop looking for other content providers. For we offer content that you will probably feel like reading over and over again yourself, let alone your curious visitors who are actually interested in the content we write for you.

Our rates are as competitive as many other mediocre content providers, but we go an extra mile in ensuring 100 percent customer satisfaction and deliver top notch quality content, perfect for money sites and ensuring a super high conversion rate. Remember, buying such top notch quality content is not an expense, but rather an investment, which you are probably sure to get back many-folds given that you know what you are doing.

This article is an example of the quality of content we can write. I am sure you wouldn’t have seen many articles like this maybe except on super authoritative websites. So, what are you waiting for? There’s nothing that should stop you from trying out content that will help make your project a real success.


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